Toyota Manufacturing: TMMK Body Weld Expansion

Project Details

Location: Georgetown, Kentucky                                 Size:  313,000 SF
Owner:  Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky
Delivery Method: : General Contractor
Project Value: $30,000,000


Stenco began Weld Addition Phase 1, in 2014 which included site work, foundations, concrete slabs, and structural steel to support a 23,000 square foot expansion of the body weld shop. Challenges included an aggressive delivery schedule, design changes, and unforeseen bedrock conditions. Stenco was able to work with Toyota to deliver the project on time.  

The successful completion of the Weld Additional Phase 1 project assisted. Stenco in securing six additional building expansion projects. In total, Stenco is responsible for the site work, foundations and slab on grade for approximately 313,000 square feet of additional building space.

Weld Addition Phase 2 and Bumper Paint projects are connections to the existing facility. Bumper Paint, Building 604, and Building 609 projects include concrete slab on grade within their paint mixing and storage areas. The end result of this process provides a hard, non-dusting, high strength surface that will prevent electrical spark.

Stenco Report Newsletter - Fall 2021

The Fall 2021 issue of the Stenco Report newsletter features University of Michigan's new dance building, Toyota's Production Engineering and Manufacturing Center and renovations to two Veterans Affairs Medical Centers.

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In our Spring 2019 issue of the Stenco Report, we feature our work for Nissan in Smyrna, TN, the University of Michigan's new Multicultural Center, and a renovation at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Download the Spring...
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